Movie Wolverine 'Logan' review, the life of Logan, the mutant with powers Wolverine, who had the hardest time living an ordinary life

The Struggle of Living an Ordinary Life: 

A Glimpse into Logan's Life, Where Normalcy Was the Hardest to Achieve

If you've followed the "X-Men" series from the beginning, "Logan" (2017) is a must-watch film. This movie delves deep into the life of Wolverine (portrayed by Hugh Jackman), who made the X-Men series iconic. As a fan of Wolverine, Logan, Hugh Jackman, or the X-Men, this film touched me deeply and brought many tears to my eyes.

Set in the near future, Logan (Hugh Jackman) is losing his powers and living a secluded life near the Mexican border, caring for ailing Professor X, Charles. Unlike his former resilient self, Logan coughs frequently, limps, and spends his days driving a limousine, drowning his sorrows in alcohol.

Striving to hide his abilities and live an ordinary life, Logan meets a young mutant girl named Laura, who is on the run from a mysterious group. Reluctantly, Logan finds himself protecting Laura and Charles, and thus begins their harrowing journey together.

Logan is a man who, despite his desire for death, cannot die. He despises living as Wolverine and yearns to be just an ordinary person. He lives solely to protect the ailing Charles, finding no meaning in his own existence.

Then, Laura enters his life. Logan is initially furious and reluctant to care for her because she reminds him so much of himself. 

The story reaches its peak as Laura, initially hostile towards everyone, begins to trust Logan, who helps her.

"Logan" depicts a future where mutants struggle to survive against those who seek to exploit their abilities for personal gain. Mutants, created by malevolent groups for their powers, refuse to be controlled and must fight for their survival or flee to live peacefully, just as Logan did.

"Don't live as they want you to live." This line resonates deeply, underscoring the importance of living with one's own convictions, even for mutants who could be used as tools for killing. The heaviest burden lies with those who survive, carrying the weight of having to kill to stay alive. "The weight of killing doesn't fade easily."

"Whether right or wrong, hurting someone leaves an indelible mark that follows you forever." This quote from the movie "Shane" (1953), which Charles and Laura watch together in "Logan," poignantly highlights the burden of taking a life.

Laura's nightmares are about people trying to kill her, while Logan's nightmares are about him killing others. Laura, young and possessing extraordinary abilities, fears being attacked by ordinary people, while Logan, having endured countless attacks, fears he must continue to live by harming others.

How exhausting must it be to live a life constantly under attack or having to harm others to survive?

Logan and Laura, mutants by chance, had to kill many to protect themselves from relentless attacks. The weight of those killings is a burden they must carry alone.

A particularly heart-wrenching moment is when Logan tells Laura, who has just killed an enemy, "You have to learn to live with it."

A story about a man and a young girl who both desperately wanted to live an ordinary life...

As the final chapter in the "Wolverine" series within the "X-Men" saga, "Logan" is a tribute to Wolverine. Starting in 2000, the film reminds us that what Logan, who lived a rough and rugged life, desperately needed was "an ordinary, peaceful day."

This film conveys the arduous and challenging life of Logan as a human being who fought fiercely against the world's enemies. Moreover, it captures the tender heart of young Laura, who offers solace to Logan's weary soul.

The image on the "Logan" movie poster, showing Laura's hand comforting a worn-out Logan, mirrors our own hearts, making it unforgettable. It feels as if we, who also lead exhausting lives, are reaching out to Logan for comfort, making it even more poignant.

Logan, the Wolverine, who seems like he could still be out there fighting enemies, keeps coming to mind. He's a character we don't want to let go of...


we hope Logan can have days like Charles wished for, where he doesn't have to harm others and can enjoy ordinary, peaceful nights.

And we hope for the same for ourselves...

Remembering Wolverine Logan, who remains strong in our hearts, I conclude this review.


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